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Sophia Rokhlin returns to the mind meld!
Sophia is the co-author of When Plants Dream: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Shamanism, and the Global Psychedelic Renaissance. She's also an anthropologist that works with indigenous shamans in Peru.
In this one, we rap about the power of intention, whether or not the planet is conscious, the shamanistic perspective on viruses, why 'reality' is probably an illusion, and much more!
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Mike Brancatelli enters the mind meld!
Comedian and host of the Mikeadelic podcast, Mike Brancatelli joins Michael to rap about using creativity as a coping mechanism, where existential curiosity comes from, how ayahuasca changed the trajectory of his life and more.
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Scott Carney returns to the mind meld!
Scott is a bestselling author, adventurer and consciousness explorer. His new book The Wedge-- Evolution, Consciousness, Stress and the Key to Human Resilience is out now wherever you get your books.
In this one, we rap about all the juicy stuff-- Consciousness, mind-altering adventures, how to create space between stimulus and your response, why we secretly crave discomfort, and much more
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Robin Arnott enters the mind meld!
Robin is a game designer, speaker and CEO of Andromeda Entertainment. He was featured in Netflix’s Screenland and the documentary Game Loading: Rise of the Indies.
He's the mind behind Sound Self a Technodelic-- A mind-altering reality-bending gaming experience that allows you to see the sound of your own voice as beautiful fractal patterns.
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Marisa Peer enters the mind meld!
Marisa is a motivational speaker, author, and therapist.
We rap about the psychic scourge of Coronavirus, cultivating certainty, why humans are so prone to self-sabotage, basic techniques for controlling your mind, hypnosis and more.
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