

Meld minds with Michael Phillip and his magnificent multidisciplinary guests— Scientists, artists, comedians, psychologists, authors, spiritual teachers, and more as they muse about life's most compelling questions.
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Jul 25, 2024

Philosopher, Scientist, Author and mystic, Dr. Tom Cheetham enters the mind meld.

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Like nearly all of my favorite thinkers, Tom holds multiple kinds of wisdom. He has a rigorous academic background in philosophy and science. He even spent years as a biology and environmental studies professor. But, even with all of that technical expertise, Tom still thirsted for something more, something beyond the material. That something more arrived in the form of mythopoetic geniuses like author and psychologist, James Hillman, Carl Jung and, especially, philosopher and author Henry Corbin. The above wizarding triad led Tom to a decades-long on-going obsession with understanding the visionary, and the imaginal. The realm Corbin called the "mundus imaginalis."

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Jul 18, 2024

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Professor, philosopher and best-selling author, Richard Tarnas Ph.D returns mind meld!

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Richard is the author of Passion of the Western Mind and Cosmos and Psyche. He served as program director at the iconic Esalen Institute for a decade where he rubbed shoulders with great minds like Joesph Campbell, Terence McKenna, Ram Dass, Alan Watts, James Hillman, Stan Grof, and many more. Tarnas has an encyclopedic knowledge of history, philosophy, and spiritual traditions.

In this one, we continue our conversation about the crucial role of Platonism, Jung, depth psychology and the romantics in sense-making. Grappling with the modern meaning crisis. Developing a felt sense of the sacred in everyday life. The importance of initiation and altered states. The need for archetypal fluency, synchronicity, and much more. 

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Jul 11, 2024

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Erick Godsey returns to the mind meld!

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In this one, Erick and I riff about the practical and psychospiritual aspects of Plato's cave. We also discuss potential links between the cave allegory and Jung's individuation process. Other points of musing include lessons from the creative path, insights from Erick's five-day darkness retreat, esoteric buddhism and more! 

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Jul 5, 2024

Neuroscientist and DMT researcher and author, Dr. Andrew Gallimore returns to the mind meld!

In this one, we dive deep on visionary molecules like DMT. Is it possible that it opens your brain up to alien communication or even other realms? What do these experiences of high-strangeness tell us about consciousness?

We also riff on the incredible DMTx (extended-state) studies coming out of Imperial College London, the unbelievable research on the horizon, and much more. 

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Jun 27, 2024

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Plato's Allegory of the Cave is a powerful tale. Not only is it one of the oldest versions of what, today, we'd call the "matrix" or "simulation" scenario, it's the most practical, prescient, and esoteric. In fact, Plato's cave and the Republic at-large contain occulted layers of meaning that scholars are still discovering and debating about to this day. In this transmission, we'll summarize the tale and do a deep dive into its more esoteric, often missed layers of wisdom.

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Jun 20, 2024

Host of the Creative Codex podcast, MjDorian returns!

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This week, we explore the psychology, philosophy, and esoteric history of Tarot. 

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According to legend, the Tarot may reach back as far as ancient Egypt. Origins aside, the Tarot orbits numerous fascinating historical figures and events. Its archetypal symbolism is incredibly deep and is carefully tailored around major elements of western esotericism. Some of which stretch back to Neoplatonist geniuses like Proclus.

And, oh yeah, there's even a wizard battle or two in this episode! 

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Jun 13, 2024

Psychiatrist, Judy Tsafrir MD enters the mind meld!

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Judy Tsafrir is one of those rare beings with both a rigorous conventional education and a deeply spiritual perspective. After a spiritual awakening in her late 40s, doctor Tsafrir began to integrate spiritual practices into her life and her medical practice in a multitude of ways. She has developed a multidimensional approach to healing that seeks to put the soul back into psyche. 

In this mind meld we riff on the synchronicity that connected us, the power of ritual, Carl Jung, the strengths and weaknesses of conventional psychoanalysis, the power of visionary states, and more.

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Jun 6, 2024

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Author and seeker, ​⁠Cory Allen returns to the mind meld! Grab Cory's new book, Brave New You here.

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In this one, we riff on the importance of seeing through your own personal simulation, your own reality tunnel, as author, Robert Anton Wilson called it. We also muse about the importance of consciousness exploration in the spirit of Robert Anton Wilson. Other topics include -- The hidden nature of reality, the power of investigating your own mind through meditation, altered-states, creativity and risk-taking.

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May 30, 2024

Writer, podcaster, seeker, and artist, Michael Garfield returns! In this mercurial mind meld, we riff on individuation, high-weirdness, non-human intelligence, Carl Jung, what Robert Anton Wilson called "the chapel perilous,” directed evolution, the limits of empirical knowledge, and more. 

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May 23, 2024

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Erick Godsey returns to the mind meld!

In this one, we take a truly multi-dimensional, mythopoetic, psycho-spiritual moonwalk through the chapel perilous. 

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We riff on the alchemical potential of technology, the race between awakening and apocalypse, esoteric Buddhism, non-duality, Neoplatonism, the genius of Robert Anton Wilson, and more. 

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May 16, 2024

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Professor, philosopher, and best-selling author of Passion of the Western Mind, Richard Tarnas Ph.D enters the mind meld!

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Richard served as program director at the iconic Esalen Institute for a decade where he rubbed shoulders with great minds like Joesph Campbell, Terence McKenna, Ram Dass, Alan Watts, James Hillman, and many more. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of world history, philosophy, and spiritual traditions. Richard also authored the incredible, Cosmos and Psyche. In it, he painstakingly connects the microcosm to the macrocosm by linking major events in world history to happenings in the cosmos.

In this one, we riff on the wide influence of Plato, the importance of learning the language of archetypes, the impact of Carl Jung, putting the soul back into psyche, the meaning crisis, the value of visionary experiences, and much more.

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May 9, 2024

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Timothy Owen Desmond, Ph.D returns to mind meld!

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In this brain-melting transmission, we riff on the surprising connections between ancient wisdom (both eastern and western) and modern physics. We also muse about Earnest Becker's Denial of Death, and the philosophy of Hegel. We speculate about the physics of near-death experiences, particularly through the lens of the one Carl Jung experienced in 1944. We muse about the groundbreaking work of idealist cognitive scientist, Donald Hoffman, and more! 

Timothy Owen Desmond is the author of Psyche and Singularity: Jungian Psychology and Holographic String Theory.

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May 2, 2024

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Host of the Emerald Podcast, Josh Schrei enters the mind meld.

In this one, we riff on how therapy-speak and psychology are infiltrating every segment of life, especially spirituality. We also muse about the nature of archetypes, Carl Jung, and the living mystery beyond psychological concepts. 

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Apr 26, 2024

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Musician and Consciousness explorer, ​⁠East Forest returns to the mind meld!

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In this one, we muse about synchronicity, non-human intelligence, the UFO / UAP phenomenon, the transformative power of altered states, and much more. 

*Check out the trailer for his upcoming documentary*

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Apr 19, 2024

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As above, so below -- Don’t mistake it for a new age platitude. It's an adage that has inspired seekers for centuries and is being proven true by cutting-edge science.

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But it’s more than an idea, it’s personal. It’s a portal that transports the psyche to deep hidden wisdom and a felt sense of interconnected mystery. In this transmission, I invite you to enter that portal portal with me. We'll explore the ancient origins of the idea from Plato's Timaeus to the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. We'll discuss how Carl Jung brought it down into the psyche through synchronicity and archetypes. We'll see how science seems to be proving it as literally true.

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Apr 11, 2024

Tom Matte enters the mind meld!

Tom was a successful advertising executive with a family, but it all came crashing down.

After a battle with substance abuse and an intense bender, Tom had a psychotic break and lost everything. He eventually recovered, reconciled with his family, and got his business back on track, but the story doesn’t stop there. Even after over a decade of sobriety and being a functioning member of society, something about Tom’s perception changed permanently. He’s able to see and interact with what seem to be hidden layers of reality. He sees what appear to be holographic projections, mathematical objects, fields, higher geometry, and, yes, beings. 

Tom calls this mode of perception “upsight.” But these aren’t just claims — Tom’s brain and abilities have been studied. In fact, there’s a paper undergoing the peer review process that seems to verify that Tom is interacting with something strange. 

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Apr 4, 2024

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Author, Bob Peck returns to the mind meld!

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In this one, we explore the highly suppressed, even persecuted wisdom of the so-called Gnostics. What was their philosophy and metaphysical outlook? Who are the movement's major figures? Why did religious authorities attempt to destroy any trace of their existence? What wisdom do they still have to offer us today? Why was Carl Jung so fascinated by the Basilides of Alexandria (an important gnostic figure)? We riff on all of the above.

Bob Peck is the author of Original Sin Is a Lie, which is out now.

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Mar 29, 2024

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Neuroscientist and author, Bobby Azarian returns to the mind meld!

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He’s the author of Romance of Reality, How the Universe Organizes Itself to Create Life, Consciousness, and Cosmic Complexity. It (and this episode) is a deep dive into complexity theory, consciousness, cosmic evolution and what Bobby calls poetic meta-naturalism: The idea that the universe is not a product of randomness, but an iterative, directed evolutionary creativity. This natural creativity, Bobby argues, seeks to complexify, connect and become more conscious.

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Mar 21, 2024

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Mollie Adler returns to the mind meld!

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In this one, Mollie shares a profound paranormal experience she had with Chris and Ryan Bledsoe. We also riff on the psychology of meaning-making, the relationship between spirituality and the UFO phenomenon, and more. 

Mollie is the host of two fantastic podcasts: Back From the Borderline and Night Night B*tch, Esoteric Stories for Sleep and Meditation. Also, check out her Substack

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Mar 15, 2024

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Sarah Mergen enters the mind meld! 

Sarah Mergen is the creator of the podcast series Katabasis Anabasis, a psycho-spiritual, mythopoetic approach to the psyche and mental health (depression in particular). Hear the first two episodes for free here

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She's also the mind behind some of the finest esoteric memes on the interwebs. 

Sarah is incredibly well-read in not only the work of Carl Jung, but philosophy and the esoteric in general.

In this one, we riff on Carl Jung's mysticism, the importance of going beyond theory and getting to direct experience, Catafalque by Peter Kingsley, ancient wisdom, where modern therapy can fall short 

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Mar 7, 2024

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Author of The Bigger Picture,  consciousness explorer, and co-founder of Rebel Wisdom, Alexander Beiner enters the mind meld!

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Alex is the author of The Bigger Picture, executive director of Breaking Convention, and co-founder of one of my favorite YouTube channels, Rebel Wisdom. Alex also participated in a groundbreaking study at Imperial College London, in which, participants were given extended-state, high-dose, intravenous DMT. His experiences, as you’ll hear, were profound, alien, and life-changing.

In this one, we also riff on the importance of balancing intellectual and non-propositional (experience-based) knowing, wielding numerous philosophical lenses Carl Jung's mysticism, ancient wisdom, consciousness, and much more

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Mar 1, 2024

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Erick Godsey returns to the mind meld!

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In this one, Erick shares lessons and visions from his five-day darkness retreat. We also muse about natural visionary experiences, the importance of disconnecting from the outside world, the relationship between myth and psyche, NDEs, Carl Jung, and much more.

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Feb 22, 2024

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In this transmission, we explore the mysterious realm of dreams. We'll riff on how to decode their hidden meanings to gain insight into the unconscious realm of psyche and, ultimately, contribute to what Jung called individuation. We'll be pulling heavily from the work of Jungian analyst and author, Robert A. Johnson and his fabulous book, Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth

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Feb 9, 2024

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MJDorian of the fantastic Creative Codex podcast returns to the mind meld! 

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We riff on the philosophy of Carl Jung, archetypal encounters, active imagination, psychological alchemy, the strangeness of the psyche, creative inspiration, and much more.

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