Dr. Anna Yusim is a board-certified psychiatrist, a lecturer at the Yale University School of Medicine, and is working to establish the school’s Mental Health and Spirituality Center.
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After completing her studies in Psychiatry, Dr. Yusim felt that something was missing from her life. In her quest to find it, she traveled, lived, and worked in over 50 countries, while studying Kabbalah, learning Buddhist meditation, and working with South American shamans and Indian gurus.
In this one, we talk Dr. Yusim’s spiritual awakening, the healing power of spirituality, psychedelic medicine, consciousness, the crisis of meaning, and more.
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In this one, I rap with my wonder brother, Matt Xian about my first mind-boggling heroic dose experience, the middle path, the beautiful tragedy of being a human, the importance of direct experience on the path of self-discovery, and more.
This is a repost of an episode of his show, check it out here.
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There’s no feeling like being involved in a compelling synchronicity. It’s as if something orchestrated a meaningful glitch in the matrix just for you. But why? What is synchronicity? What does it tell us about the nature of reality? Why is it especially important in our time? In this wonder dip, we’ll dive into those questions and more through the lens of the philosophy of the man who coined the term, Psychiatrist and philosopher, Carl Jung.
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Paul Austin is an entrepreneur, author, and founder of the Third Wave, a psychedelic education and media platform. The latest edition of his book, Mastering Microdosing is available now. In this mind meld we, riff about microdosing, the philosophical implications of the psychedelic revolution, why the future of everything from technology to religion will be decentralized, and much more.
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Bestselling author of Sex at Dawn and Civilized to Death, Chris Ryan joins Michael to riff about the woes of the rat race, the price of progress, the power and pitfalls of visionary experiences, breaking free from the matrix of modernity, synchronicity, the nature of mind, and more.
Links for Chris Ryan 🐒
website: https://chrisryanphd.com/
substack: https://chrisryan.substack.com/
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James McCrae returns!
James (also known by his Instagram handle, wordsarevibrations) is a poet, meme artist, and the author of How to Laugh in Ironic Amusement During Your Existential Crisis, which is available now.
In this mind meld, we muse about what Terence McKenna called 'the archaic revival,' why creatives are vital to the spiritual evolution of humankind, the relationship between myth and memes, reinventing yourself creatively, and more!
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Author, podcast host, adventurer, and friend, Jennifer Sodini returns to the mind meld!
In this one, we muse about megalithic structures, the high weirdness of the Book of Enoch, the mind-altering effects of a good conversation, the beauty of skeptical optimism, whether or not astrology is worthwhile, high-dose experiences, the dark side of the cosmic joke, and more!
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Autodidactic mythologist, psychology extraordinaire, and Myths That Make Us podcast host, Erick Godsey returns to riff on synchronicity, following your intuition, the problem with mental health pathology, the brilliance of Carl Jung, navigating the snake pit of modern spirituality, the importance of visionary exploration, and much more.
👀 Catch Erick's podcasts, courses and musings here: https://www.erickgodsey.com/ 👈 https://www.instagram.com/erickgodsey/ 👈
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*This is ideally consumed in its original form as a youtube video. Check it out here*
Deep down, we already know — There’s something off about spiritual influencers that claim you’re just one simple hack or magic trick away from changing your life. So why do we get pulled into their web? Why do we pin our hopes on dubious dudes promising us wealth, happiness, and enlightenment?
In this one, I identify a few huge red flags I’ve seen predatory spiritual influencers use time and time again to pull people in. Don’t fall for them.
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Bestselling author of What Doesn’t Kill Us, The Wedge, and more, Scott Carney returns!
In this one, we riff on why consciousness is fundamental, quantum weirdness, why it’s so important, yet difficult, to find spiritual truth, why napping is a surprisingly powerful technique for creative inspiration, and much more.
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*This is the audio version of a full video wonder dip check it out on youtube!*
Not only is there more to reality than meets the eye, reality, as we know it, doesn't really exist. As crazy as that sounds, it's actually the scientific consensus. Thanks to a handful of brilliant human beings (including this year's physics Nobel Prize winners) and groundbreaking experiments, quantum weirdness has gone mainstream. Reality-breaking concepts like non-locality, what Einstein called spooky action at a distance, are now accepted as foundational.
How did we get here? What does it mean? Is consciousness involved? I riff on those questions and more.
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Author, meditation facilitator, host of The Astral Hustle podcast, and friend, Cory Allen returns to the mind meld!
In this one, we riff on 'psycho-technologies,' recognizing and debugging the patterns of our minds, habit change, why 'holding the door' is the perfect philosophical metaphor, and more!
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Joe Patitucci enters the mind meld!
Joe is an artist that fosters connection to intuitive states and the natural world through sound, breath, and technology. As CEO of Data Garden, he is working to build a future where humans will have a real-time soundtrack to their lives generated from wearable data that is responsive to mood, tailored to taste, and optimized for any activity.
Data Garden’s latest product, PlantWave, translates real-time data from living plants into music, creating harmonious sound environments powered by nature.
In this one, we muse about communing with plant consciousness, different forms of human awareness, inspiration from visionary states, and more!
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Professor Wendy Smith enters the mind meld to talk paradox and open-ended thinking.
Wendy is the author of Both/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems
Wendy is a Harvard-educated, academic and the Dana J. Johnson Professor of Management at the University of Delaware. She is an expert on paradox and practical, open-ended approaches to problems-solving and creativity.
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Ever-mercurial comedian, artist, and podcaster, Ramin Nazer returns to the mind meld!
Ramin returns for another mercurial mind meld. In this one, we have an absolute sampler platter of wonder nuggets-- The singularity, Terence McKenna, how to execute creatively, inspiration, motivation, flow states, the controversial phenomenon of Jordan Peterson, psychedelic entity encounters, and way too many other things to list!
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Artist, musician, and friend, Colin Frangicetto returns!
We muse about the transformative power of therapy in multiple facets of life -- relationships, mental health, creativity, spirituality, and more. We also riff about the potency of reinventing yourself, which Colin just did recently, artistically speaking, as "ADHD."
Colin is a musician, podcaster, and artist most well-known for playing in the band Circa Survive.
Dive into Colin's world here. Follow his digital art here.
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Visionary art legend, Android Jones returns for another massive mind meld. This week, we muse about the emerging phenomenon of AI art and what it means for artists and human creativity in general. We also riff on the role of psychedelics in Android's creative process, trying to capture transcendent truth in works of art, and more.
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Evan "Skytree" Snyder is a music producer turned robotics engineer. He makes synths out of raw crystals for fun. He's also part of a multi-generational web of high weirdness that stretches all the way back to Nazi Germany and includes some of the most compelling most UFO tales I've ever heard.
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Dr. Matthew Johnson is a Professor of Psychedelics and Consciousness at the Johns Hopkins Center For Psychedelics and Consciousness research.
Matthew has spearheaded a number of ground-breaking psychedelic medicine studies including, psilocybin-assisted end-of-life therapy, and psilocybin-assisted smoking cessation. His latest project explores how psilocybin impacts the spiritual lives of religious leaders.
In this mind meld we riff on the future of psychedelic medicine, the nature of consciousness, free will, how psychedelics (might) work neurologically, the science of heroic doses, and more.
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Tero Isokauppila is an Entrepreneur, shroom sage, and author of Healing Adaptogens The Definitive Guide to Using Super Herbs and Mushrooms for Your Body's Restoration, Defense, and Performance.
Tero is also the founder of Four Sigmatic, one of the world's largest purveyors of super mushroom coffees and elixirs.
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In this mind meld:
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Psychotherapist, and author of Dream Guidance, Machiel Klerk enters the mind meld!
In this one, we riff on the mysterious realm of dreams. Musings include:
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Autodidactic mythologist, psychology extraordinaire, and Myths That Make Us host, Erick Godsey returns to riff on the myth of what I call the omni-game-- The notion that we're all trapped in layer after layer of gamified systems. All of which may be contained within some kind of infinite game. We probe practically every imaginable layer of the omni-game-- Free will, the role of psychedelics, finite games versus the infinite game, what if anything is the ultimate player in the game? Is there a point?
Catch Erick's podcast, The Myths that Make Us
Jump into his latest offering, The Dharma Journal
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Psychologist, Dr. Ido Cohen returns to the mind meld!
In this one, Ido and I muse about my leap into doing Third Eye Drops full time, Carl Jung's philosophy of the psyche, why it's always inconvenient to follow your soul, why myth is always relevant to modern life, and more!
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Neuroscientist and author of The Romance of Reality, Bobby Azarian enters the mind meld!
Musings in this one include --
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The wise and whimsical, Sarah Zucker returns!
Sarah is a mythopoetic, psychedelically-inspired artist and writer who's been featured in the New York Times Magazine, and CNBC. She's also a Jeopardy! champion.
In this one, we muse about the importance of reconnecting with wonder, the puzzle that is the so-called mystery initiations of the ancient world, whether or not human beings have an essential spiritual purpose, how Sarah stays connected with creative inspiration, and more!
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