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Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, and Mordy Levine enter the mind meld! We muse about seeing through the illusion of self, karma, the power of compassion, reincarnation, and their new book, the Tibetan Book of the Dead For Beginners.
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Lama Lhanang Rinpoche is a teacher of Vajrayana Buddhism of the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Born in Tibet, he currently directs the Jigme Lingpa Center in San Diego. Mordy Levine is president of the Jigme Lingpa Center and creator of the Meditation Pro Series which has taught meditation to more than 250,000 people.
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What are dreams? Where do they come from? Do they hold deep hidden meaning or are they neurological nonsense? Whatever your opinion, we've collectively struggled to make sense of dreams since time immemorial.
In this transmission, we'll investigate the phenomenon of dreams. We'll primarily look through the lens of mythopoetic psychologists like Carl Jung, and especially, James Hillman.
Hillman was a post-jungian depth psychologist, author, and founder of what he called archetypal psychology-- A philosophy that seeks to re-ensoul the psyche through a combination of mythology and psychology. If you're interested in exploring this one further, check out Hillman's The Dream and the Underworld and his A Blue Fire lecture series.
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Depth psychologist, Dr. Ido Cohen returns to the mind meld!
In this one, we muse about the ever-interesting and elusive shadow archetype. What is your shadow? What is shadow work, really?
We also discuss Jungian archetypes, the ups and downs of psycho-spiritual individuation, spiritual bypassing, what Ido has learned from losing nearly all of his possessions in a house fire, and much more.
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Author of The Bigger Picture and co-founder of Rebel Wisdom, Alexander Beiner enters the mind meld!
Making sense of the human condition is, at best, a juggling act. Making sense of the human condition within a hyper-connected info-sphere that panders to your bias and base instincts… that’s an emergent, unsolvable sense-making puzzle that we’re all left to cope with.
Luckily, there are existential balms in the form of human beings like Alexander Beiner. He commands a wide breadth of knowledge across many disciplines — philosophy, psychology, sociology, and spirituality, to name a few. He blends them all together beautifully in this mind meld and throughout his new book, The Bigger Picture. Alexander also participated in a groundbreaking study at Imperial College London, in which, participants were given extended-state, high-dose, intravenous DMT. His experiences, as you’ll hear, were profound.
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How did the great mythopoetic psychiatrist, Carl Jung, view God? When Jung was asked whether or not he believed in God in a now-famous 1959 BBC interview near the end of his life, he mused, “I don’t believe, I know.”
But what did he mean by that? What view of God does a lifetime of inquiry into medicine, the psyche, and the esoteric lead to?
As we’ll see in In this transmission, Jung’s view on the great mystery existence is both compelling and cryptic. A way of seeing that opens a door to massive philosophical questions.
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Jung's Full letter to The Listener:
The Posthumous Good Housekeeping Article:
Another article on Jung's views:
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Musician, and philosopher, Alex Ebert enters the mind meld! You may know Alex from his massively popular band, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, his solo releases, his recent New York Times feature, or his written musings.
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In this mind meld we riff on the spiritual catharsis creativity provides, and why Alex aims to become a creative vessel for forces beyond our understanding. We also muse about the forces driving the toxic discourse, soul sickness, making sense of the meaning crisis, the relationship between the shadow and art, and much more!
Links for Alex: Substack Instagram Bandcamp
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Therapist, author, and visualization expert, Joanna Grover enters the mind meld!
I’m always looking for ways to expand our agency and change the channel on our minds, particularly if they’re techniques that are backed by research. A new visualization practice, Functional Image Training checks all of the above boxes.
Joanna Grover's new book, The Choice Point, outlines how we can use the technique to overcome obstacles and make choices that lead us to our goals. Joanna has trained Olympians, executives, and elite military operators to hack their autopilot systems and break records in their respective fields.
What if we have “the gods” all wrong? What if they’re not bygone superstitions of ancient cultures, but living archetypes that are endemic to the human psyche?
Watch the full video version here!
Mythopoetic thinkers like psychiatrist, Carl Jung argued just that. But there’s one archetype that Jung and many others were (and are) particularly interested in. The Greeks called him Hermes, the Romans, Mercury.
What is about this figure that captivates the curiosity of so many great minds? What does the archetype really symbolize? Why does Hermes stay in the zeitgeist? Why is he associated with the phenomenon of synchronicity? Why did Jung place him at the center of both the alchemical process and individuation? In this transmission, we’ll explore all of the above and more!
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Autodidactic mythologist, psychology extraordinaire, and Myths That Make Us podcast host, Erick Godsey returns to the mind meld!
In this one, we discuss sacred creativity and the psychic sickness permeating the zeitgeist. We also riff on individuation and psychic alchemy ala Carl Jung, as well as the mysterious ever-present influence of the Hermes archetype.
👀 Catch Erick's podcasts, courses and musings: https://www.erickgodsey.com/ 👈 https://www.instagram.com/erickgodsey/ 👈
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Functional medicine doctor and best-selling author, Will Cole enters the mind meld! In this one, we riff on intuition, inflammation, the connection between mind and body, and autoimmune disorders.
We also discuss the surprising role of trauma and shame in physical health and more.
Get Will’s latest book, Gut Feelings
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What do we do when we feel purposeless? Where do we turn when the vital energy is sucked from life?
Original full video version here
As the bleak statistics of the mental health epidemic demonstrate, for many, there is no clear answer. This disconnection from meaning and purpose, this depression of the soul, is devouring the psyche of millions. It's left us struggling to numb the pain through pathology, distraction, consumption, and ego games. Of course, none of the above brings us any closer to the deeper purpose we seek. They leave us thirstier for something real than we were to begin with.
So, in this transmission, we'll confront this 'soul sickness' through the wisdom of luminaries like Carl Jung, Terence McKenna, Dr. Lisa Miller, and more. We'll also riff on some ways we might even be able to overcome it.
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Scholar and practitioner of archetypal theory, Dr. Laurence Hillman enters the mind meld!
Laurence holds a Ph.D. in psychology, is the author of Planets in Play, and co-creator of Archetypes at Work -- a method to assess and develop individuals and organizations based on archetypal theory. Laurence is also the son of the late psychologist and author, James Hillman, a thinker who's been a huge influence on my personal philosophy.
In this mind meld, we riff on the power of archetypes, the influence of Carl Jung, find meaning in the modern world, the powerful and polarizing art of astrology (which Laurence is a longtime practitioner of), and much more.
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Dr. Justin Sledge of the Esoterica Channel enters the mind meld! In this one, we talk trickster wisdom, the power of awe, and mystical experiences. We also riff on Justin’s personal philosophy and the importance of dialoguing with people who think differently.
In addition to his channel, Dr. Justin Sledge holds a Ph.D. in philosophy and a MA (DRS) in Religious Studies, specializing in Hermetic Philosophy.
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Max Derrat enters the mind meld!
On his YouTube channel, Max decodes the esoteric and philosophical undercurrent of media. His work exposes the hidden wisdom in your favorite video games, anime, and more.
*Full video version of this episode here*
In this one, we muse about the hidden esoteric wisdom in video games, anime, and media. We riff on some of our favorite pieces of deep media. We also muse about why storytellers are so compelled to imbue their work with alchemical, hermetic, and esoteric symbolism, the influence of eminent figures like Carl Jung, and much more.
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*Video version here*
Have you ever felt like there's more to your psyche than meets the eye? Have you had strange dreams that seem significant but you can't quite make sense of? Do you find yourself drawn to certain kinds of stories or wonder why humans, in general, seem to tell the same kinds of stories over and over again? Well, it’s not just you. For decades the philosophy of Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung has captivated millions. Jung's notions of the collective unconscious and the archetypes that live within it are, without a doubt, some of his most intriguing ideas. In this transmission, we’ll explore this realm of the collective unconscious and how it shapes not only the above but the very nature of reality.
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Neurobiologist and pharmacologist, Dr. Andrew Gallimore returns the mind meld!
In this one, we explore how our brains build the human model of “reality.” We dive deep into visionary molecules like DMT and how they seemingly transport our consciousness to a totally alien world. We also muse about the notion that alien intelligence could be non-physical or informational, as well as an unbelievable recent study that kept participants in an extended IV-induced DMT state.
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Dr. Chris Palmer enters the mind meld to share mind-blowing revelations about the hidden relationship between mind and metabolism.
Dr. Chris Palmer is a Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. He’s the author of Brain Energy, A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Understanding Mental Health—and Improving Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD, and More.
In this one, Chris shares his personal experience of grappling with mental and physical health issues and how he overcame them. We also riff on the importance of questioning and pushing beyond the standard medical dogma and a number of practical dietary and behavioral interventions for optimal mental and physical health.
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Psychologist and bestselling author, Dr. Lisa Miller returns the mind meld!
In this one, we talk synchronicity, spiritual awakening, how to live a more connected life and why depression and anxiety are often signs of awakening. Dr. Miller has unique expertise in the neuroscience of spirituality and the relationship between spirituality and human thriving in general. She's the NYT bestselling author of The Spiritual Child and The Awakened Brain. Dr. Miller is also a professor of Psychology at Columbia University and the Founder and Director of their Spirituality Mind Body Institute, the first Ivy League graduate program and research institute in spirituality and psychology.
Lisa's Portals 🌀
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Visionary art legend, Andrew "Android" Jones returns to the mind meld! A couple of months back, Andrew awoke to one of his worst fears — News that his beloved studio was up in flames.
By the time he arrived at the scene the structure, filled with countless irreplaceable art pieces and hundreds of thousands of dollars in gear, was completely engulfed in flames. As soon as he saw it, he knew it would be a total loss. I've been wanting to talk to Android ever since I heard the news. I'll be honest, the lucidity, wisdom, and real transformation Android embodies throughout this conversation took me by surprise.
Relevant Portals For Android Jones:
https://androidjones.com/ https://www.instagram.com/android_jones/
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Bernardo Kastrup returns to the mind meld!
Bernardo is the executive director of Essentia Foundation. His work leads the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental.
Bernardo holds two Ph.Ds, one in philosophy (ontology, philosophy of mind) and another in computer engineering. He's the author of several books including Science Ideated, Why Materialism Is Baloney, and Decoding Jung's Metaphysics.
In this one, we muse about consciousness, the nature of reality, the philosophy of Carl Jung the, UFO / UAP phenomenon, whether or not AI can become sentient, and much more.
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The shadow is one of the most well-known pieces of Psychiatrist, Carl Jung's philosophical legacy. This dark, unconscious part of the psyche is both deeply fascinating and incredibly misunderstood, not to mention difficult to make tangible. How do you explore or work on something you aren’t conscious of? That said, it can be done, and doing so is vitally important for knowing who you truly are, healing, and reaching your potential. So in this transmission, we’re going to explore the shadow and the philosophy of Carl Jung from a number of angles in an effort to both help shed light on it and to begin to understand how we can actually work with it.
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Steven Kotler returns!
Steven is a New York Times bestselling author, Pulitzer Prize nominee, and the Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective. Steven is an expert on flow states and the psychology of human performance. He's the author of books like Stealing Fire, The Art of the Impossible, and his latest, Gnar Country.
In this mind meld, we riff about the power of the mind, why aging is not just physical, but highly mental, how to stay younger longer, the art and science of flow states, and why Steven chose to risk life and limb by putting his methods to the test for his new book, Gnar Country.
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Evan Bartholomew, best known by his stage name, Blue Tech, is an electronic music producer and multidisciplinary artist with a penchant for the esoteric. Evan leverages his custom-trained AI models to not only make art but do dream work and summon figures from his subconscious, and that's just scratching the surface of his practice.
In this mind meld we dive into Evan's methods, a smattering of esoteric topics (Kabbalah, Hermes Trismegistus, etc.) the importance of dreamwork, and AI in general.
Links for Evan:
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Author, meditation facilitator, host of The Astral Hustle podcast, and friend, Cory Allen returns to the mind meld!
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In this one, we muse about the effective side of mindfulness, authentic creative success, working with the subconscious mind, the importance of clarity, Buddhism, non-attachment, and more.
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Dr. Robert Waldinger, psychiatrist and Zen Roshi, and best-selling author enters the mind meld.
Dr. Waldinger is a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, where he directs the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest-running study of human thriving ever conducted.
Dr. Waldinger is also the NYT Bestselling author of The Good Life.
In this mind meld, Robert shares his singular wisdom on what it really means to live a fulfilling life, how buddhism, introspective practices, and spirituality have changed his life, our need for a unifying myth, the power of noticing the small beauties in life, the deep importance of meaningful relationships, and more.
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