Mitch Schultz is a filmmaker (DMT the Spirit Molecule, Huachuma) and culture creator. He leverages his artistic talents to open minds, educate and encourage existential exploration via vessels like his multimedia platform, MYTHAPHI, his films and his numerous podcast and speaking appearances.
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SWITZON S. WIGFALL, III is a Multi-media Visual Artist, Animator and VJ. His work is a a diverse collection of rude art slaps upon a variety of mediums. His love for all different genres of music, esotericism, sci-fi, robots, machines and fractal geometry shine through his work.
Switzon is also on his third round of every-day art pieces, which you can keep up with via his Instagram.
For more head to
Dr. Rick Strassman is a researcher and author best known for his DMT studies and his book inspired by them, DMT The Spirit Molecule.
Dr. Strassman's newest work, DMT and the Soul of Prophecy explores the similarities between the visions of the biblical prophets and the DMT state described by Strassman’s research volunteers.
For a full write-up and more :
This extra-curricular content contains two guided meditations from the wise and wonderful Thubten Chodron.
The first ten or so minutes contain a basic introduction to meditation.
After that comes a meatier mind dive into the topic of self-forgiveness, something I think we could all use. It provides some powerful perspective on making mistakes, owning them and ultimately moving forward from them and separating yourself from them.
Explore more of meditations from Thubten Chodron at
Dig in to some other sources for free meditation at
Nic Gregoriades, has definitely given a hearty "yes" to the call of adventure in his life. He’s a world class jiujitsu black belt who travels the world competing and teaching seminars. He’s the founder of Jiujitsu Brotherhood and he has traveled to the amazon and partaken in a number of Ayahuasca ceremonies.
Nic also co-hosts Digital Communion.
For a full write up, links, extras and more mind melds, head to THIRD EYE
Thubten Chodron (born Cheryl Greene) is Tibetan Buddhist author, teacher, and the founder of Sravasti Abbey, the only Tibetan Buddhist training monastery in the United States. Thubten Chodron is also a student of the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan masters. She has published many books on Buddhist philosophy and meditation, and has co-authored a book with the Dalai Lama.
For a full write-up, meditations and more mind melds, THIRD EYE DROPS
Ralph Abraham is a Mathematician who has held positions at UC Santa Cruz, Princeton and Columbia. In the in the 1960s his life took a sharp left turn into inner-exploration via meditation, psychedelics and world travel. His series of trialogues with Terence McKenna and Rupert Sheldrake have garnered an enduring cult following.
Dr. Bruce Damer is a researcher at UC Santa Cruz focused on origin of life theory. He's a speaker, performer and hosts the Levity Zone podcast.
For more -
Lorenzo Hagerty is an author, podcaster, entrepreneur and liver of many lives (check out his incredibly eclectic bio).
His show, The Psychedelic Salon, offers an extremely comprehensive collection of verbal serenades from disrupters and visionaries like Timothy Leary, the Alex Grey, Sasha Shulgin and many others. It’s definitely one of my go-to sources for brain-melting content. Peruse their library if you haven’t!
We've also got the wonderful whimsical genius of Bruce Damer back on the show. Bruce is a researcher at UC Santa Cruz focused on origin of life related work and he’s most definitely got the gift of poetic yarn-spinning and man, does he have plenty of yarns to pull from!
For a full write-up and more, head to THIRDEYEDROPS
Technology is the sharpest double-edge sword mankind has ever forged. Depending on which reality tunnel you view the metaphorical cyber-sword through, it will either free us of death, and give us cybernetic superpowers, or birth ruthless AI overlords who will farm us for energy matrix-style, while sedating us in a hypnotic VR twilight.
Or, maybe a little bit of both.
It’s all worth exploring and considering, which is why we’ve got futurist, writer and founder of the Transhumanist political party, Zoltan Istvan on the show.
Welcome wonderlings!
As our guide on this week's ride, we welcome another ridiculously intelligent, well-spoken open-minded multidisciplinary mind freak, Alexandre Tannous.
Alexandre has everything you want, the academic and research credentials, the musical background (he could easily show up somewhere with Zeppelin and you’d be like, oh yeah this guy’s in the band, no doubt). But more importantly, he’s done the subjective inner-work by traveling the world, participating in indigenous shamanistic ceremonies, steeping himself in history and mysticism and so much more.
To dig further head to Alexandre's site
For a full write-up and more mind melds-
Curious comedian, Shane Mauss has appeared on Conan, hosts the Here We Are Podcast and tours the country doing stand up.
Silver-tongued polymath, Michael Garfield is an artist, musician and speaker based out of Austin.
For more on our guests, a full write-up, and more mind melds, head to THIRD EYE DROPS.
Matt Xian is Creative Director and founder of TIMEWHEEL, a record label, website and artistic platform. He also creates music in the vibey sea of digital deliciousness known as Something Fiction.
For more,
Physicist and philosopher Tom Campbell began researching states of consciousness with Bob Monroe (Journeys Out Of The Body, Far Journeys, and The Ultimate Journey) at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s where he and a few others were instrumental in getting Monroe’s laboratory for the study of consciousness up and running. These early drug-free consciousness pioneers helped design experiments, developed the technology for creating specific altered states, and were the main subjects of study (guinea pigs) all at the same time. Campbell has been experimenting with, and exploring the subjective and objective mind ever since. For the past thirty years, Campbell has been focused on scientifically exploring the properties, boundaries, and abilities of consciousness.
During that same time period, he has excelled as a working scientist, a professional physicist dedicated to pushing back the frontiers of cutting edge technology, large-system simulation, technology development and integration, and complex system vulnerability and risk analysis. Presently, and for the past 20 years, he has been at the heart of developing US missile defense systems.
Tom Campbell began researching states of consciousness with Bob Monroe (Journeys Out Of The Body, Far Journeys, and The Ultimate Journey) at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s where he and a few others were instrumental in getting Monroe’s laboratory for the study of consciousness up and running. These early drug-free consciousness pioneers helped design experiments, developed the technology for creating specific altered states, and were the main subjects of study (guinea pigs) all at the same time. Campbell has been experimenting with, and exploring the subjective and objective mind ever since. For the past thirty years, Campbell has been focused on scientifically exploring the properties, boundaries, and abilities of consciousness.
During that same time period, he has excelled as a working scientist, a professional physicist dedicated to pushing back the frontiers of cutting edge technology, large-system simulation, technology development and integration, and complex system vulnerability and risk analysis. Presently, and for the past 20 years, he has been at the heart of developing US missile defense systems.
Dennis McKenna is an ethnopharmacologist, researcher lecturer and author who has spent decades doing academic and personal research with psychedelics. Dennis is also the author of Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss, a memoire about his adventures with his brother, the late Terence McKenna.
In addition to being part of the same circle as Dennis and Terence McKenna, Dr. Bruce Damer, is a researcher at UC Santa Cruz focusing on origin of life theory. Bruce has also worked on projects for NASA in which he developed asteroid-capturing spacecraft.
For more head to THIRD EYE DROPS
Erik Davis is an author, scholar and lecturer. His book, Techgnosis Myth Magic and Mysticism In the Age of Information draws novel, fascinating correlations between technology and mysticism.
Michael Garfield is an intellectual and all-around silver tongue-tipped spear of information. He also writes for websites like Big Think, creates art and music and is just generally bordering on star child territory.
For more, head to
Seeking a show about goats spitting on Spanish men, psychedelic gnosis and Theodore Roosevelt? Then congratulations my friend, you've finally found your grail!
To everyone else rereading that combination of topics because they seem so utterly disparate, they couldn't possibly be related: No, the forceps of destiny didn't get drunk on the job and start plopping subject matter into reality with zero care, I promise. This conversation is actually quite coherent.
To whom do we owe that coherence? Professor, author and podcaster extraordinaire Daniele Bolelli!
He hosts both The Drunken Taoist (a conversation-based show, not dissimilar to this one) as well as History on Fire which dives down a different historical rabbit hole with each episode. I highly encourage you go give both of his shows a spin.
Daniele is also the author of some stellar literary works like Create Your own Religion and his latest, Not Afraid
For more head to
Welcome back my friends, I’m so glad you returned for hit number two of this Android Eye Drop grand-opening extravaganza!
I definitely enjoyed this entire conversation, but this is absolutely the more heroic, treasure-filled dose of the two.
Items of conversation in this part of the chat?
-How Android continually renews his artistic inspiration and deals with creative challenges
-How technology has the capacity to supercharge and augment creativity and human connection, especially with the advent of virtual reality and augmented reality.
-Android's magnum opus, Samskara, an immersive techno-psychedelic dome experience that he’s transmuting into reality with artists and hari krishna devotees.
- With fairly limited tools, dedication and talent you can really subvert traditional media vessels that used to only be used as tools for capitalism and propaganda
And much more!
Find more at and
If you want to know what The Third Eye Drops show is all about, look no further than is Android Jones.
Android’s otherworldly collection of psychedelic masterworks are awesome to look at, sure, but they're more than just images. Each work is a rabbit hole unto itself. You can (and I have) sit there and dissect his pieces pixel by pixel, it's epic stuff. Even so, Android refers to his art as mere “residue" of a deep ecstatic revelry he comes into contact with when he takes up the pen. As he says in our conversation, "my art is how meditate and my art has always been the way I access the spirit of creation."
It doesn’t stop there...
The very idea of an "episode zero" causes a revolving Pizza Pizzaz-like cycle of anxiety and conflict in my ego. I get that anxious indigestion in the old bowls because I know this is the place where I'm supposed to hook you in and make you excited about this show and tell you about all the great things and people we’re going to cover here and all of that self-promotional jazz. How do you not make that awkward and contrived?
Genuine enthusiasm, that's how!
Luckily I've got that. I really am excited to present all humans with the desire and requisite hearing ability what I'd classify as some pretty spectacular, life-affirming and entertaining mind melds with some of my favorite minds.