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Author and journalist, Scott Carney returns to the mind meld
Scott has written for outlets like Wired, Men’s Journal, Playboy, and many others. His work has also taken him to some of the most dangerous and unlikely corners of the world.
Scott's latest book, The Vortex is available now!
In this mind meld, we riff on information warfare, the best and worse parts of human psychology, recognizing your own bias, the insane story of his new book, The Vortex, and much more!
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Steven Kotler is a New York Times-bestselling author, an award-winning journalist, and the Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective. He is one of the world’s leading experts on human performance. Steven is also a tremendous fiction author. Be sure to pick up his latest, a technodelic sci-fi thriller called The Devil's Dictionary.
In this mind meld, we riff about changing your mind through empathy and meditation, why we need new language to build a better future, plant, animal, and planetary consciousness, and more!
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James McCrae returns to the mind meld!
James (also known by his Instagram handle, wordsarevibrations) is a poet, meme artist, and the author of How to Laugh in Ironic Amusement During Your Existential Crisis, which is available now.
In this mind meld, we muse about why reality isn't a simulation, practical advice on creative expression, the power of mindfully creating and wielding personas, and more!
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Dr. Jahan Khamsehzadeh enters the mind meld for a classic wonder dip! We talk cosmic consciousness, personal evolution, mystery traditions, the transformational power of altered states, and his new book The Psilocybin Connection
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Phil Cousineau is an award-winning writer and filmmaker, story consultant and editor, travel leader, and inspirational speaker on myth in the modern world. He even studied and collaborated with the great Joesph Campbell.
In this mind meld, we riff on the enduring power of myth, what it's like to work with Joseph Campbell, the impact of sacred travel, how to practically apply myth in our own lives and minds, and much more!
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Actor, comedian, and author, Josh Peck enters the mind meld to talk addiction, destiny, stoicism the lie of conventional success, and the importance of finding a spiritual dimension to life
Josh's new book Happy People Are Annoying, is out now.
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Dr. Jennifer Heisz is a neuroscientist with expertise in brain health. She’s an associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology at McMaster University and directs the NeuroFit Lab. Her new book, Move the Body, Heal the Mind is out. In this one, we riff on how exercise can treat anxiety and depression, prevent dementia, improve focus, aid in creativity, and more!
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Author, meditation facilitator, host of The Astral Hustle podcast, and friend, Cory Allen returns to the mind meld.
Cory shares powerful advice to his younger self. We also riff about the power of myth, Joseph Campbell, why destiny is still an important concept, life itself as an artistic act, and more!
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Author, podcast host, and consciousness adventurer, Jennifer Sodini returns to the mind meld to muse about the wild weird world of magic. Is it real? If so, how, and what does it mean? How do we navigate it skillfully?
We also brush up against famous occult figures like Aleister Crowley and riff on our obsession with the esoterically-charged Netflix series, Archive 81.
*This mind meld is sponsored by 3rd Eye Cacao. Get 11% off with coupon code 'timewheel'*
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The wise and whimsical, Sarah Zucker returns!
Sarah is a mythopoetic and psychedelically informed artist and writer who's been featured in the New York Times Magazine, CNBC.
In this one, we riff on the balancing child-like wisdom and whimsey, why myth and history are indispensable tools for sense-making, why we all have multiple identities, and more!
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Psychologist, Dr. Ido Cohen returns to the mind meld!
In this mythopoetic psychological deep-dive, we riff about the importance of mythological thinking, organizing your psychic gods, the divine child, the dangers of Peter Pan syndrome, meeting the wise old man archetype, and more.
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Journalist, Ethan Lou enters the mind meld to talk informational erosion, his strange trip to North Korea, why Bitcoin is psychedelic, and more.
His book, Once a Bitcoin Miner is available now.
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Dr. Ethan Kross enters the mind meld!
Dr. Kross is an American experimental psychologist, neuroscientist, and writer who specializes in emotion regulation. He is a professor of psychology and management at the University of Michigan and director of the Emotion & Self Control Laboratory there.
Pick up his book, Chatter here.
In this mind meld, we muse about making peace with the voice in our heads. Dr. Kross shares specific techniques we can use to interface with our inner-chatter skillfully.
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Artist, musician, and podcaster, Colin Frangicetto returns to riff about how art alters reality, the emerging dimension of the digital, why the metaverse could be both a blessing and a curse, and more!
Colin Frangicetto is a musician, podcaster, and artist most well-known for playing in the band Circa Survive. Dive into Colin's world here.
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This mind meld is sponsored by Element Kombucha. Get 11% off with code DROPS11 here
Contemplative psychotherapist, Dr. Miles Neale returns to the mind meld to riff on trusting the darkness, avoiding the fool's elixir, ancient mystery traditions, and more.
Check out his new course on the gradual path here.
His book, Gradual Awakening: The Tibetan Buddhist Path of Becoming Fully Human is available now.
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What do Carl Jung, Plato, ancient mystery temples, and transcendent experiences have in common? They all point toward an unspeakable truth you have to experience to believe. In this mind meld, we riff about all of the above and more.
Cory Allen is a mindfulness facilitator, author and podcast host of The Astral Hustle podcast, and friend.
*This episode was originally published as an episode of Cory's podcast, the Astral Hustle. Subscribe to it if you haven't already!*
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Ever-mercurial comedian, artist, and podcaster, Ramin Nazer returns to the mind meld!
Ramin returns for another sprawling mercurial wonder-dip. In this one, we riff about weird Christmas rabbit holes, galactic neurosis, why nothingness and infinity are both absurd, and more!
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Sonic wizard, East Forest returns to the mind meld!
Trevor 'East Forest' Oswalt is a unique bird in the Wild West aviary of electronic-chamber music, bridging the digital and natural realms. His fundamental mission is to create sonic architecture for listeners to explore their inner space.
In this mind meld, we muse about psilocybin and its ascension from hushed tones, underground therapy, and personal experimentation to serious medicine. We also unpack the philosophical and spiritual connotations of the psychedelic renaissance, and much more
Check out East Forest's latest endeavor Journey Space
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Legendary anthropologist and author, Dr. Jeremy Narby enters the mind meld to talk plant medicine, indigenous wisdom, plant consciousness, the archaic revival, and more.
Get Jeremy's new book Plant Teachers here.
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Author, mindfulness facilitator, host of The Astral Hustle podcast, and friend, Cory Allen returns to the mind meld.
In this one, we muse about the importance of simplicity, the beauty of changing your mind, why returning to seat of your experience is of the utmost importance, recognizing B.S., agnostic spirituality, and more
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Author, entrepreneur, podcast host, and consciousness adventurer, Jennifer Sodini returns to the mind meld to muse about why the essence of the human soul is an open-ended question, the power of perhaps, Robert Anton Wilson, how spirituality is evolving, the high weirdness of biblically accurate angels, and more!
*This mind meld is sponsored by the shroom sages at Four Sigmatic. Click here for up to 40% off!*
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Fountain of knowledge and healing, Dr. Dan Engle returns the mind meld!
Dr. Dan Engle is a psychiatrist with a clinical practice that combines aspects of regenerative medicine, psychedelic research, integrative spirituality, and peak performance.
Dr. Engle is the author of The Concussion Repair Manual: A Practical Guide to Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries, as well as his new book, A Dose of Hope: A Story of MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy.
He's also lived in the jungle with Ayahuasca shamans and explored his consciousness more thoroughly than almost anyone I know.
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The information provided in this podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical recommendation, diagnosis, or treatment. The use of information in this podcast is at one’s own discretion, and is not an endorsement of use given the complexity inherent in these medicines, and the current variable widespread illegality of their usage.
James McCrae returns to the mind meld!
James (also known by his Instagram handle, wordsarevibrations) is a meme artist and the author of How to Laugh in Ironic Amusement During Your Existential Crisis, which is available now!
In this mercurial mind meld, we riff on the metaverse, the approaching singularity, Terence McKenna, cryptocurrency, and some speculation so scintillating and dubious that I don't even think I should write it here.
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Autodidactic mythologist, psychology extraordinaire, and Myths That Make Us host, Erick Godsey returns to muse about his recent mystical epiphany, the importance of reflecting on death, why initiations are like death practice, why technology must assist our spiritual evolution, the importance of recognizing and balancing mythological archetypes in our own psyches, and more.
Catch his podcast, The Myths that Make Us
Jump into his latest offering, The Dharma Journal
***This mind meld is sponsored by the Aubrey Marcus Podcast! Dive into his catalog here.***
***This mind meld is sponsored by Four Sigmatic! Get up to 40% off their super shrooms here.***
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Harvard Astrophysicist, Dr. Avi Loeb enters the mind meld!
Avi Loeb is the Frank B. Baird, Jr., Professor of Science at Harvard University, chair of Harvard's Department of Astronomy, founding director of Harvard's Black Hole Initiative, and director of the Institute for Theory and Computation (ITC) within the Harvard-Smithsonian Center. He also heads the Galileo Project, a systematic scientific search for evidence of extraterrestrial technology. In fact, Avi believes we may have already captured evidence of intelligent alien life.
Avi's latest book, Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth is available now wherever you purchase books.
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