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Dr. Zak Stein enters the mind meld!
Zak is a scholar of philosophy, neuroscience, education, and human development. He's also the author of Education in a Time Between Worlds.
Zak and Michael riff on our innate spiritual hunger, information warfare, our deep need for educational revolution, mystery schools, and more.
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Author and speaker Charles Eisenstein returns to the mind meld!
We riff on why conspiratorial thinking is so prevalent, the many competing "realities" vying for our attention, societal tension, and why we need new gods and myths.
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Master shaman Hamilton Souther returns to the mind meld! We chat about communing with plants, habit change, psychology, the toll of the virus in the plant medicine community, and more.
Hamilton spent over a decade living in the rainforests of Peru studying the way of the shaman. He’s also the founder of Blue Morpho Tours, a plant medicine-based Peruvian retreat center.
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Autodidactic mythologist, psychology extraordinaire, and Myths That Make Us host, Erick Godsey returns to the mind meld to riff about bias, shadow work, NLP, Carl Jung, social unrest and much more!
Catch his podcast, The Myths that Make Us here.
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Author, meditation instructor, host of The Astral Hustle podcast and dear friend, Cory Allen returns to the mind meld to rap about reclaiming your reality tunnel, the beauty and danger of isolation, how meditation brings you closer to reality, and more!
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Secret Drugs of Buddhism author, Mike Crowley enters the mind meld for a wonderful, whimsical chat. We riff on the possible psychedelic origins of eastern philosophy, the importance of side-stepping dogma, and why a sense of humor and wisdom go hand in hand.
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Psychologist Dr. Ido Cohen enters the mind meld!
In this episode, we riff on knowing versus 'gnowing.' What integration, shadow work, and individuation actually are. Why we worship false gods, becoming fluent in our own language, and more!
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Shane Mauss enters the mind meld to chat about the allure of rebellion, navigating uncertainty, the endless applicability of agnosticism, and more!
Shane is a comedian and the host of the Here We Are podcast. He's also the focal point of the documentary Psychonautics which is available now on Amazon, Apple, Youtube, and other platforms.
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Therapist and Psychedelics Today co-founder, Kyle Buller returns to the mind meld!
Kyle joins us to chat about turning fear into power, why so few people travel a meaningful life path, his near-death experience, making physical things more sacred, how to avoid getting addicted to toxic psychological patterns, guilty lockdown pleasures, and more!
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Ramin Nazer returns to the mind meld!
Ramin is a comedian, artist, and the host of the Rainbow Brainskull podcast.
Ramin returns for a sprawling mercurial exploration of just about everything-- What the current crisis means for us and the internet, the utility in thinking mythologically, why we need more than data to make sense of life, how Demolition Man predicted the future and more!
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Sophia Rokhlin returns to the mind meld!
Sophia is the co-author of When Plants Dream: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Shamanism, and the Global Psychedelic Renaissance. She's also an anthropologist that works with indigenous shamans in Peru.
In this one, we rap about the power of intention, whether or not the planet is conscious, the shamanistic perspective on viruses, why 'reality' is probably an illusion, and much more!
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Mike Brancatelli enters the mind meld!
Comedian and host of the Mikeadelic podcast, Mike Brancatelli joins Michael to rap about using creativity as a coping mechanism, where existential curiosity comes from, how ayahuasca changed the trajectory of his life and more.
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Scott Carney returns to the mind meld!
Scott is a bestselling author, adventurer and consciousness explorer. His new book The Wedge-- Evolution, Consciousness, Stress and the Key to Human Resilience is out now wherever you get your books.
In this one, we rap about all the juicy stuff-- Consciousness, mind-altering adventures, how to create space between stimulus and your response, why we secretly crave discomfort, and much more
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Robin Arnott enters the mind meld!
Robin is a game designer, speaker and CEO of Andromeda Entertainment. He was featured in Netflix’s Screenland and the documentary Game Loading: Rise of the Indies.
He's the mind behind Sound Self a Technodelic-- A mind-altering reality-bending gaming experience that allows you to see the sound of your own voice as beautiful fractal patterns.
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Marisa Peer enters the mind meld!
Marisa is a motivational speaker, author, and therapist.
We rap about the psychic scourge of Coronavirus, cultivating certainty, why humans are so prone to self-sabotage, basic techniques for controlling your mind, hypnosis and more.
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Author, meditation instructor, host of The Astral Hustle podcast and dear friend, Cory Allen returns to the mind meld!
In this one, we rap about the sweet spot between doing and being, the best tools for detangling your mind, the importance of hopping in and out of mind-altering portals carefully, and the Rock's back.
Contemplative psychotherapist, Dr. Miles Neale returns to the mind meld to guide us through the quarantine and chaos.
His book, Gradual Awakening: The Tibetan Buddhist Path of Becoming Fully Human is available now.
Dr. Neale himself is a student of Tibetan Buddhism, having studied the path for over two decades.
For more information on his contemplative studies course go here.
In this mind meld, we chat about the power of contemplative study in times like this, why we need a middle path approach more than ever, and why the hero's journey just went from hypothetical to literal for millions of people.
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The Ungoogleable Michaelangelo enters the mind meld!
Michaelangelo is a mercurial multidisciplinary wonder-dipper. More specifically, he creates 'cosmic, comedic, and contemplative content. He's a multimedia artist who finds expression through visual media, music, writing, acting/performance, filmmaking, and oratory storytelling.'
You can catch his podcast, Self Portraits as Other People on apple podcasts or wherever you listen.
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Professor of philosophy and cognitive science, John Vervaeke enters the mind meld!
John is the creator of a fabulous series of youtube lectures called Awakening From the Meaning Crisis that dives into everything from philosophy and psychology to psychedelics.
In this meaty mind meld, we touch on a lot -- Rationality versus empiricism, the importance of inward-facing practices, anamnesis and why mythological context is incredibly valuable. We also discuss the world's deep need for new participatory knowledge systems, a sort of neo-socratic dialogical learning modality.
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Michelle Janikian enters the mind meld!
Michelle is the author of Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion. She's also a journalist who's written for publications like High Times, Rolling Stone and Playboy.
In this one, we riff about the state of psychedelic counterculture and where it's headed. We also get into our own spiritual meanderings and why we definitely need a Mulder/Scully psychological protocol.
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Photographer, artist, and podcaster, Nick Onken enters the mind meld!
In this one, we chat about how Nick went from being an artistic kid to photographing some of the biggest celebrities in the world. We also rap about overcoming conditioning, why it's so important to dive into your subconscious programming, the power of psychedelic medicine and oodles more.
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Author of The Courage Habit, Kate Swoboda enters the mind meld!
Kate and I chat about the close relationship between fear and courage. We also riff on the importance of a personal narrative, the hero's journey, and why we're so addicted to the self-limiting psychological patterns that hold us back.
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Colin Frangicetto is a musician and artist most well-known for playing in the band Circa Survive.
Colin returns to the mind meld to rap Carl Jung, spiral dynamics, the psychic forces that rule society, staying humble and more.
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Best known for his work with The Glitch Mob, Justin Boreta is an electronic music producer and wonder-seeker.
Justin returns the mind meld to talk to riff about his latest ambient project featuring Alan Watts, the medicinal value of laughter, the mind-altering power of sound, ayahuasca and more.
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Sophia Rokhlin enters the mind meld!
Sophia is the co-author of When Plants Dream: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Shamanism and the Global Psychedelic Renaissance.
She also directs the sustainable ayahuasca cultivation program at the Temple of the Way of Light in the Peruvian Amazon.
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